Saturday, 10 September 2011

Stoke City vs Liverpool English Premier League 10 September 2011

The Engllish First Federation put on Saturday played to become, will afternoon 10 September 2011 we Liverpool traveling at to dare opstook City let, in which a quite cheerful set will be, that we must say and it will interest to see how this put over goes. Liverpool plays above on their game now. They are the season so strengthen begun that the megainspanning of the house side will take burn on something from this put to get.

Burn City is conscience for their arial play in the federation on and it will interest to see how this set goes over, Opstook quite hard to hit at their own backyard its and although Liverpool favorite is this to win, will they some good play football must play round everybody three points here to get.

Liverpool vs Stoke City:
Date: 10 September 2011 - Time: 15:00 BST

Stoke City [1 : 0] Liverpool
[1 : 0] Jonathan Walters